
Innovation and the Education System

Since 1971, an innovation plateau has been reached and progress has stalled with the invention of tangible objects. In the 20th century, Post-it notes, BIC pen, zippers, pushpins, calculators and the paper clip, to name a few, items so essential to our everyday lives, were invented.

Progress is impossible without change, and to progress, we must encourage revolutionary change in education.

“The principal goal of education is to create individuals who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done - individuals who are creative, inventive and discovers.”  In doing so, rigid institutions must accommodate change into their curriculum and design of their school, in hopes of creating, and inspiring new, innovative ideas. 

There’s a feeling you get when you enter a well-designed environment; a happy, almost-inspiring and exciting feeling. The dim-lighted hallways and odd-shaped rooms are the innovation gyms for the leaders of our future. Students should be learning in aesthetically pleasing, open environments where creativity and ingenuity consciously manipulate users and encourage a more meaningful and satisfying experience. 

The environment in education is the “third teacher” because space influences the user’s physical, mental, and emotional state, and how we feel influences how we learn, work, and perform. 

Education is vital to advancing our future, and ultimately, the progress of humanity. 

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash